
We publish excellent fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, hybrid forms, and essays by and/or about working class people, as well as interviews, reviews, art, comics.

We believe that working class solidarity is crucial; we believe diversity is our strength.

In our first year, we published two literary issues, and between those, we updated the site with columns, features, and series. Heading into our second, we will be bringing you quarterly issues, and our staff writing and other hijinks will be incorporated into those issues. We are now a smaller staff, but we hope that in this leaner and meaner incarnation we will continue to share with you the brilliant best of what working class writers and artists are creating.

We now read submissions in all genres on a rolling basis.

Please see our Submissions page for more details.




Who is working class?


The term working class often refers to people in the lower-middle class income bracket, or people whose income falls between middle class and poverty level. Usually, people in the working class are paid hourly wages, working blue collar jobs. The term is traditionally associated with people who work in manufacturing and assembly, coal mining, retail, or food service. Income is not the only factor that contributes to identification with the term working class. Working class communities in all regions of the United States develop identifiable patterns, dialects, and/or traditions, marking some working class communities as unique subcultures. Because there are so many people who identify with the term working class based on their economic income, their position within the power structures of their community, their race, ethnicity, and/or agency, it is difficult to accurately define the term working class in a way that would recognize the nuanced experience in full. This magazine seeks to hold up the question of working class, rather than defining it. We hope to enter the nuance, to allow writers to define class on their own terms, and to support writers from traditionally underrepresented communities along the way.


Get to know us better by checking out our staff’s bios on the Masthead.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates and curated news.



If you are enthusiastic about Rabble Lit’s mission and want to help us defray our expenses, you can do that here: PayPal.Me/RabbleLit.

We thank you very much for your support!